Car Accident Lawyers Ottawa: Car Crash Law Firm
Truck Accidents

Trucking accidents can be terrifying – the damage is often severe and life-changing. When these large vehicles are involved in accidents, they do more harm than smaller vehicles and more frequently cause fatal accidents. It’s challenging for a truck to slow down suddenly, so smaller cars which, for example, cut in front of a transport truck with no notice can easily cause serious accidents. The same thing can be said about truckers who lose control of their vehicles and contact smaller vehicles. When something like this happens, the best approach is to hire a truck accident lawyer. This way, you can focus on your health and ensure you receive all the necessary medical assistance and support.

What should you do if you are involved in a trucking accident?

You want to call for medical assistance as quickly as possible. Calling the police is just as crucial since they will gather evidence and ensure everything is handled appropriately. You want to gather as much evidence too. It can range from the name, address, insurance company, license number and plate number of the other driver that caused the accident

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Have You Been Injured in a Truck Accident?

You will want to contact the insurance company to start an accident benefits claim to get treatment. You can hire our trucking accident lawyer to assist you with opening the claim and ensure that you receive the right amount of coverage. It is a crucial aspect to consider, and it will eliminate many of your concerns in the end.

Why do trucking accidents take place?

There are several different reasons why trucking accidents happen. For example, the truck had blind spots that weren’t checked, poor maintenance, a heavier load than it should typically have, or poorly installed/maintained tires. Accidents also occur due to driver negligence – alcohol use, speeding, drug use, or even simple things like fatigue can be the problem. For example, fatigue is one of the number one causes of jackknifing in Ontario. Jackknifing occurs when the trailer of a big truck pushes the front towing vehicle to one side or all the way around to create the resemblance of a jackknife. It is extremely dangerous and often a result of drivers being under a lot of pressure and are tired from too much driving.

It would help if you also considered improperly placed signs, lack of signs, not appropriately maintained roads, and even weather conditions like hail, storms, etc. These issues can result in accidents with serious injuries. Therefore, you will want to address your potential claim as soon as possible while also seeking medical attention.

What injuries can result from trucking accidents?

Commercial trucks are larger and heavier than most vehicles on the road. So, it is no surprise that some of the worst accidents we hear of are from trucks. Examples of some injuries include:

  • Head injuries such as concussions and brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries such as fractures and disc herniations that result in nerve root impingements
  • Scarring
  • Soft tissue injuries, including sprains, strains and whiplash
  • Amputation
  • Broken bones

Is it a good idea to hire a lawyer for your trucking accident?

Working with a lawyer is the right thing to do since he can offer all the necessary assistance and support for your case. He can help you gather all the evidence and ensure that your case is managed appropriately. Making sure that everything is handled by a professional will allow you to focus on your health and recovery. It will also help increase your chances of a successful case. 

If you’re looking for a professional trucking accident lawyer, we recommend contacting us today. Our team is always here, ready to offer all the necessary assistance and support. It will help immensely and give you the value and benefits you want.

In addition to claiming benefits for treatment from your accident benefits carrier. You can also sue the at-fault party for your trucking accident for many different things, including:

  • Income loss
  • Pain and suffering
  • Future health care expenses
  • Housekeeping and home maintenance
  • Out of pocket expenses


Contact us right away, and we will gladly offer the trucking accident assistance you need.

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