Fact #1: Personal injury law covers a variety of situations including car accidents. It can cover any situation in which a person negligently causes injury to another person. Other examples include slip and falls, trip and falls, nursing home negligence and long term disability denials.

Fact #2: Personal injury lawsuits involve civil court proceedings. These cases can be resolved through litigation or they may be settled outside of the courtroom. Actually, most cases regarding personal injury settle outside the courtroom (anywhere from 2-5% go to trial).

Fact #3: Personal injury law cases have a time limit. Generally speaking the time limit to start a lawsuit is two (2) years. There are exceptions to this rule and I’ve written articles about this before.

Fact #4: While a personal injury lawsuit may settle early, successful cases do take time. Generally, we advise our clients that their case will take somewhere between 3-5 years to complete. Sometimes more, sometimes less. This may be a point of frustration for many clients. We tell them to sit tight, hang on to all receipts and seek medical attention when necessary. Documentation of the injury and income loss must be gathered in order to have a successful case.

Fact #5: Each personal injury case is unique. This is what makes the job of a personal injury lawyer enjoyable. Each injury is unique to each client and people react to these injuries in different ways. This must be taken into consideration when assessing a claim. How has the injury had an impact on this particular client’s life?