Category Archives: Insurance Claims

Auto Insurance Dos and Don’ts Every Driver Should Follow

Key Highlights Introduction Having auto insurance is super important if you want to be a [...]

What is a Disability Certificate? OCF-3 Form Explained

The OCF-3 Disability Certificate is crucial for accessing benefits like disability tax credits. This key [...]

Simplifying Minor Injury Guidelines For Claims

The Minor Injury Guidelines (MIG) are part of the Accident Benefits Schedule (ABS) and provide [...]

Slip and Fall Claims in Canada: A Complete Guide

Imagine walking through a grocery store, admiring the colourful produce, and suddenly slipping on a [...]

Collision Reporting Centre: Can I Report an Accident After 24 Hours in Ontario?

Imagine you’ve just been involved in a car accident in Ontario. Amid the chaos and [...]

Everything You Need To Know About CPP Disability Benefits

Information about Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) disability payments, pension plan disability benefits and more What [...]

Car Accident 101: Advice from an Accidents Lawyer

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Explaining Notary Services and How to Use Them

What are notary services, and what does it mean to have something notarized? The Provincial [...]

When Should You Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Accidents happen all the time, but when those accidents result from someone else’s negligence, it [...]

Ottawa Injury Lawyers Debunk Common Legal Myths

Don’t believe everything you hear; Ottawa injury lawyers debunk popular myths and misconceptions about personal [...]

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