Category Archives: Personal Injury

Simplifying Minor Injury Guidelines For Claims

The Minor Injury Guidelines (MIG) are part of the Accident Benefits Schedule (ABS) and provide [...]

Seeking Justice: Legal Aid for Road Rage Incidents

Road rage is a serious issue that can lead to altercations, property damage, injuries, and [...]

Spinal Cord Injuries and Your Legal Rights

When we experience spinal cord injuries, the effects can be devastating. The spinal cord is [...]

How Does Personal Injury Mediation Work in Ontario?

Injured in an accident and seeking a fair settlement without the stress and cost of [...]

Slip and Fall Claims in Canada: A Complete Guide

Imagine walking through a grocery store, admiring the colourful produce, and suddenly slipping on a [...]

Danger on Two Wheels: Motorcycle & Bike Accidents Are On The Rise

Imagine cruising down the streets of Ottawa on your motorcycle, the wind rushing against your [...]

A Complete Guide on Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Accidental death is traumatic, even more if its wrongful death. Have a look at this [...]

Car Accident in Ottawa: What You Need To Know

Car accidents happen, news about it abound, and death statistics from car accidents worry experts. [...]

Ottawa Personal Injury Lawyer: Why You Need One

If you’ve been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you may wonder if [...]

Staying Safe and Upright: Tips and Advice from Ottawa Slip and Fall Lawyers

Did you know that in Canada, one in eight people will experience a slip and [...]

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