Recent statistics have shown that distracted driving is on the rise and it is a definite concern on the road. While you cannot control other drivers, you can limit how distracted you are behind the wheel, which will also limit the chances of getting into a car accident.

  1. Cell Phones are for Emergencies

While driving, your cell phone should be kept in your purse or in the glove compartment. You should not use or access it at all while driving. If you absolutely must use your phone, pull over somewhere safe before you text or make a call. If you have a hands-free or Bluetooth, you should still only use it if you absolutely must.

  1. Never Drive Tired

Drowsy driving is distracted driving! Nodding off at the wheel for even a few seconds is enough to cause a serious car accident. If you are feeling tired, pull over and get some rest. You can also get up and stretch before getting back on the road.

  1. Limit Activity and Distracted Driving Inside the Vehicle

Try to limit any potential distractions inside your car. This includes limiting the number of people inside your car at one time, reducing the volume of your music inside the car and reducing general background noise.

  1. Don’t Eat and Drive

Eating and driving is just as distracting and texting and driving. If you’re paying attention to your food, you’re not paying attention to the road. If you’re hungry, pull over and eat somewhere. The best part is you’ll avoid getting crumbs all over your car!

  1. Avoid Multi-Tasking

Just like texting and driving, you should avoid this at all costs. Avoid scheduling appointments, sending text messages, phone calls, playing too much with the radio or other features on your control panel, etc. Everything else can wait until you pull over. Don’t put yourself or others at risk by doing other things in your car when you should only be focusing on driving!

If you or a loved one is injured by a distracted driver then you may be entitled to compensation. Schedule a free consultation with Daniel Badre. Call (613) 695-4443 or email