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Tips & Guidance From Our Blog

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When Is It Time to Hire a Disability Lawyer?

The benefits of hiring a disability lawyer and the right time to do so According [...]

Increase Chances for LTD Approval

If you are applying for long term disability (LTD) benefits this most likely means you [...]

Do I Pay Taxes on my LTD Settlement?

The short answer is it depends. First, what are long term disability (LTD) settlement benefits? [...]

Juror Pay – Not Enough!

Jury duty has never been a popular thing to do. Jury trials are often long, [...]

The Difference Between Short and Long Term Disability Insurance

Short term disability insurance is designed to provide you with income replacement payments in the [...]

Your Employee Rights During COVID Re-Opening

What are your rights as an employee as the economy moves into the next stages [...]

What is the Minor Injury Guideline (MIG)?

The MIG is a part of the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS) to the Insurance [...]

Why You Need OPCF 44R Family Protection Coverage

Ontario’s car insurance laws can be rather confusing and difficult to navigate. Some things are [...]

How do Long Term Disability claims work?

The purpose of long term disability claims are to help protect you in case of [...]

Common Personal Injury Accidents in the Summer

Five incidents most common during the summer that put you at risk of a personal [...]