When Do You Need an Employment Lawyer?
Your employee rights should always be a priority; knowing when to seek legal help from [...]
5 Common Causes of Car Accidents in the Fall
Be aware of these typical autumn driving hazards to stay safe and avoid car accidents. [...]
When Should You Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer?
Accidents happen all the time, but when those accidents result from someone else’s negligence, it [...]
Back to School Safety: Avoiding School Zone Accidents
As the school year starts and children return to in-person learning again, driving safely to [...]
What is Job Interview Discrimination? Employment Lawyers Explain.
Employment lawyers want you to know and recognize the signs of job interview discrimination. Under [...]
What Happens in a Long-Term Disability Lawsuit?
A breakdown of the legal process involved when your insurance company denies your long-term disability [...]
9 Ways to Prevent Water Injuries This Summer
Keep water injuries ‘at bay’ by following these safety tips. One of the best ways [...]
Qualities of a Great Accident Lawyer in Halifax
The top qualities to look for when you need to hire an accident lawyer in [...]
Employee Rights: Substance Addiction in the Workplace
Employee rights concerning drug testing and accommodations for substance It’s estimated that approximately 21% of [...]
Changes to Long-Term Care Homes in Ontario
What to expect from long-term care homes as we begin to exit the pandemic. Throughout [...]