Taking a day off to fight a cold can do wonders, but when you are suffering from a serious injury you are going to need more than a day. Short and long-term disability were created for this very reason. Whether you fall and break your arm or are fighting cancer, you have options if you are unable to work. Your injury or illness and the time you require off from work will determine which kind of disability leave you require. Below are a few things every Ottawa disability lawyer wants you to know.

Disability Insurance

Many people receive disability insurance through their employer. If you suffer from an injury or illness that results in you not being able to work, you may qualify to receive monthly payments. The amount of each payment depends on your policy and salary/wage (usually varies from 50% to 80% of your paycheque). This allows you to maintain a source of income to support your family while you are recovering.

Short term

This coverage can be used when a you need to be off work for a few weeks or months. These benefits can start within a few days to a week. Many common cases where you would need short term disability is if you have broken a bone or are recovering from surgery. Short term disability is also used to cover the waiting period required for long term disability. This protects your income as it could take anywhere from three months to six months before you can receive long term disability.

Long term

If you are unable to return to work for quite some time, you will need to file for long-term disability. Suffering from chronic pain, mental health issues or other serious illnesses such as cancer are only some of the reasons that people file for long-term disability. In most cases, it usually starts around the time your short term disability coverage expires. The actual length of coverage depends on your policy, most pay out for two, five, or 10 years or until retirement. If you are not satisfied with the coverage your employer offers, you do have the option of buying long-term disability coverage on your own.

Filling a claim

You will need to contact your policy provider and fill out the appropriate forms. One thing that will make this process less stressful is planning ahead as best as you can. Budgeting will be a key part of keeping your bills paid since you likely will not be receiving a full paycheque while on leave. Disability leave can be tough, so make sure you take care of yourself as best as possible. Here are a few tips to help you put a plan in place.

Disability insurance allows you to receive an income while not actually being able to work. Depending on your injury or illness, it is very possible that you may not be returning to work for quite a long time, so it is crucial that you have coverage in case something happens. While short and long-term disability insurance are two ways for you to receive disability benefits, they are not your only options. You may be eligible for other sources. If you are unsure of what your best option is, get in touch with an Ottawa disability lawyer. They will be able to go over your coverage and give you a breakdown of what all of your options are.

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Daniel Badre Founder, Partner
Daniel Badre is a distinguished personal injury lawyer based in Ottawa, renowned for his unwavering commitment to justice and advocacy for those who have suffered from accidents or negligence. With a legal career spanning over two decades, Badre has established himself as a compassionate and tenacious advocate for his clients.
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