The spring season usually brings motorcyclists to our roadways. There are certain guidelines and principles that you can follow to stay safe on the road. Many motorcyclists enjoy a lifetime of riding while completely avoiding injuries. The key is to be prepared and avoid risks. Keep in mind, many motorcycle injuries and fatalities occur due to speeding and alcohol. So, eliminate those factors and you’ll greatly reduce the risk of injury.
Read the following rules to avoid a serious or fatal injury in a motorcycle accident.

  1. Take a training course. There is no substitute for proper skill development from a professional rider.
  2.  Invest in anti-lock brakes. Motorcycles with ABS brakes are less likely to be involved in a crash than bikes without it.
  3.  Wear a motorcycle helmet and fasten it properly. Helmets are very effective at preventing head injuries at high speeds.
  4.  Dress to be seen and to be safe. Try getting a leather, or other reinforced, jacket along with full pants, gloves, and over-the-ankle footwear, even in summer. Be sure to wear reflective gear at night.
  5.  Make sure your headlight is functioning properly.
  6.  Communicate with drivers in other vehicles by using your signals and brake lights. Try to establish eye contact with other motorists when possible.
  7.  Avoid driving in bad weather. Riding in the rain or snowy conditions significantly increases the risk of losing control of your bike.
  8.  Remain alert. Your driving is related your physical and mental state. Never ride when you’re exhausted. One wrong decision could spell disaster.
  9.  Stick to the speed limit and keep a safe distance between yourself and other vehicles.
  10.  Make sure other vehicles can see you. Don’t ride in other people’s blind spots.

By following these easy rules, you will ensure a safe and fun trip. If you are injured in a motorcycle accident, do not hesitate to contact a personal injury lawyer to discuss your options and answer any questions you may have.