Ottawa Injury Lawyers offer tips to stay safe while enjoying your summer to the fullest.

The summertime is filled with fun activities and enjoying the outdoors; however, it’s also a busy time of year for Ottawa personal injury lawyers. Unfortunately, many of our favourite summer activities and pastimes come with an increased risk of personal injury. Luckily, by staying informed and vigilant of possible hazards, you can still enjoy yourself while staying safe. The Ottawa Injury Lawyers at Badre Law have some tips to keep you and your family safe from personal injuries this summer.

Tips for staying safe in the heat

One of the best and worst qualities of the summer is the heat that comes with it. Extreme heat can be very dangerous, and prolonged exposure can result in heatstroke and heat exhaustion. Working or exercising in high temperatures can cause fainting, dizziness, fatigue, and other symptoms that may put you in danger of sustaining more serious personal injuries.

Ottawa injury lawyers’ heat safety tips:

  • Stay hydrated
  • Take frequent breaks when working or exercising outdoors
  • Stay indoors whenever possible if temperatures are dangerously high
  • Opt for loose-fitting, light-coloured, lightweight clothing
  • Inform yourself of the signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses

Swimming, boating, and other water-related safety

In the summer, everyone looks forward to spending time in the water and participating in water activities like water skiing, tubing, and boating. It’s crucial to take extra precautions when you’re by the water to prevent injuries and drowning.

Water safety tips:

  • Always follow applicable rules, regulations, and laws
  • Avoid swimming alone and in deep, open bodies of water
  • Wear a lifejacket when on a boat or participating in other boating activities
  • Swim in areas where lifeguards are present
  • Don’t leave children unattended near water
  • Do not jump or dive off of a boat when the engine is running
  • Ensure the driver of the boat is adequately licenced and sober

Contact an Ottawa injury lawyer immediately if you are injured in a boating accident

Boat accidents can be devastating, and laws and regulations surrounding liability aren’t as straightforward as car accidents. If you’re involved in a boating accident, contact an Ottawa personal injury lawyer to discuss your rights.

Avoiding bicycle, motorcycle, and vehicle accidents in the summer

The nice weather means there are more bicycles, motorcycles, and pedestrians on the road. Additionally, the summer months are the busiest months for construction, and there are more beginner drivers.

Tips for staying safe on the road:

  • Drive with caution in work and construction zones
  • Do not text and drive; avoid all distractions
  • Always drive sober
  • Be sure to check for cyclists and motorcyclists before opening car doors and turning corners
  • Give cyclists adequate space when passing them on the road

Most importantly, have fun!

Summers in Canada are short, and we all want to get the most of them as possible. By following these safety tips from Ottawa injury lawyers, you and your family can enjoy your summer and look forward to many more safe summers to come.