This pandemic has not only changed the way we are working, but it has limited the amount of work that can even be done. Parks, non-essential businesses and most city-managed faculties have been closed until further notice in order to try and flatten the curve, and Ontario Superior Court of Justice has followed suit – suspending operations until further notice. So where does this leave you? If you’re wondering how COVID-19 will impact your personal injury claim we are here to help ensure you understand how your case will be affected during this pandemic.

Current Personal Injury Claims

This pandemic has put many things on hold for the foreseeable future, and for those who were in the middle of a personal injury claim it can seem like a roadblock. If you are offered a fair settlement outside of court, you might not have to experience that much disruption from COVID-19 during your personal injury claim.

An experienced personal injury lawyer will be able to assess your case and help you navigate through these unusual circumstances. While your case will be able to continue, it will likely be at a slower pace than what you had originally planned. For the most part, insurance companies and lawyers are working remotely to ensure that your case can still move forward.

Possible Delays from COVID-19

Acquiring medical records to submit as evidence could be difficult to secure at this time. Everyone within the medical community is working hard on the frontlines to protect us and care for those who have contracted COVID-19. Therefore, it’s understandable that your request might not be a top priority for them at this point in time. We will do everything we can to make sure you get your medical records; however, there will likely be a delay.

There will also be some expected delays with procedures that are required to be done in person. Physical distancing is a key protocol that everyone must follow in order to slow down the spread of this virus. If you’ve yet to have discovery examinations, video conferences can be considered for urgent cases; however, this process will most likely be postponed until late fall of 2020. 

Looking Ahead

Right now, we all wish and hope for things to “return to normal”. Physical distancing, washing your hands frequently and only leaving your home for essential items are some of the best ways to ensure you’re doing your part to flatten the curve. We need to to be responsible and do our part to best protect those that are most vulnerable. It’s understandable to be frustrated about COVID-19 affecting your personal injury case. With more updated closures and restrictions, we are doing our best to continue serving you while following the Government issued guidelines. Please keep in mind that new information is released each day that may change how we are able to operate and serve you. We intend to keep you updated as the situation evolves. If you wish to further discuss your personal injury claim and how COVID-19 is affecting it, please reach out. We will be pleased to answer your questions as best we can at this time.