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Sitting poolside is something you’ve waited quite a long time for after this brutal winter. But just because you’re in a summer state of mind doesn’t mean you should relax about pool safety. Swimming pool injuries are very common and it’s important that you do everything in your power to make sure your pool area is safe. There’s also a lot of information available to educate yourself on basic pool safety. Let’s get into all of that now so you can get back to soaking up the sun without having to worry about whether or not your pool is as safe as possible.

A Dip into Pool Injuries

Stopping by the beach, lake or pool is an easy way to cool down during the summer. Many believe a pool is the safest option for various reasons; however, that’s not the case. The majority of water injuries or fatalities in Canada over the past few years have happened in pools. However, that number has gone down significantly within the past two years. This is likely because of increased safety regulations and training. So what can you do to avoid these accidents from happening at your home or to your family? Simply educate yourself.

Swimming Safety Tips

These safety tips are generally applicable to any age group. Keep in mind, you should never assume there is nothing to worry about and abandon basic swimming safety. Some tips as to avoid swimming pool injuries include:

  • Maintain constant supervision and remain within arm’s reach of young children.
  • Always swim with a buddy.
  • Don’t stay in the water for long periods of time. While it’s a nice way to cool down, you can easily get dehydrated and exhausted.
  • Make sure everyone is able to swim well before entering the water. Enrolling kids into swimming lessons will teach them the appropriate swimming techniques along with other safety lessons.

More safety tips can be found here.

Not only is it important that those who are swimming are aware of possible risks and take the appropriate precautions, it’s equally important that those who have pools keep the area tidy and follow regulations.

Pool Owners should:

  • Secure your pool with appropriate barriers that follow the city by-laws. Fencing, gates, and many more safety features must be put into place to meet the regulations.
  • Add additional barriers to make it impossible for children to get onto the deck or into the pool without an adult present.
  • Clean up after pool time! It’s very easy to trip over toys left lying around the pool and can lead to someone unexpectedly falling into the water. It also entices children to get close to the water.
  • Establish and enforce rules.

Summer is all about getting outside and enjoying the weather poolside. But a relaxing summer mood doesn’t mean you should make light of the risks that come with swimming pools. It only takes a few seconds for an accident to happen and swimming pool injuries can be quite serious. Educate yourself, your friends and your family about pool safety so you can enjoy the time in the water. If you or a loved one has been injured in a swimming pool you should follow up with a personal injury lawyer to see what your options are.