Unfortunately, tens of thousands of people suffer personal injuries each year. The shock is not only experienced by the personal injury victim themselves, but close family and friends as well. While some victims are able to fully recover and return to work soon after, others are not as lucky. No matter how short or long the recovery process is, the victim is going to have to rely on a support system for many different reasons. For the most part, a significant other or immediate family member will take on the role of caregiver for the personal injury victim, whether they are prepared or not. Which is why we wanted to share some information to help caregivers in this situation.

Who will help the personal injury victim?

A personal injury victim can experience a number of different injuries that impact their physical and mental health. The severity of the injury will determine how much assistance they’re going to need with everyday tasks. More severe injuries, such as brain damage, result in the caregiver being heavily relied upon for most likely the rest of the victim’s life. Not only are you, as a caregiver, now responsible for another human being, you still need to take care of yourself. So where do you turn for help?

Many hospitals have designated staff to help the family prepare for what to expect and how to take care of the victim. If their lifestyle is altered completely because of the injuries suffered, it’s going to be difficult for them to come to terms with this. As a caregiver you need to keep in mind how traumatic this experience must be for them and learn the appropriate techniques to help them through this dark time. Coping skills can be taught to both you and the victim so you’re able to regain control of your emotions and accept what has happened.

A nurse or other health care professional can also show you how to help with physical tasks so you don’t injure yourself or the victim.

Looking Ahead

A personal injury victim will need to file a claim, as a step towards ensuring they are rightfully compensated. If the victim is unable to complete this process on their own, then you, as a family member, can do it on their behalf. As if you weren’t under enough stress already, now you have to go through this legal process. A lot of mistakes can happen because you are not familiar with what is required, so it’s best to seek advice from legal counsel.

One way to ensure that you are always moving forward is to set in place a long-term strategy. Having a plan can relieve some of your stress and anxiety as you’re able to lay out everything that needs to happen. You should also set up a support system that you can rely on. Local support groups will be able to understand what you’re going through and offer more help than the general public. It’s also strongly recommended that you seek out a counsellor to help ensure that your mental health doesn’t deteriorate.  

Being a caregiver is very strenuous. It’s important that you have a plan set in place so that you’re able to take care of yourself as well as the personal injury victim. One thing to always keep in mind is that you are not alone in this. There are many local organizations that offer support and advice to help you cope with your new reality.