Category Archives: Disability Claims

What is an Income Replacement Benefit?

Statutory accident benefits (“accident benefits”) are a type of no-fault insurance coverage attached to every [...]

Long-Term Disability Benefits – Who Qualifies?

Losing your main source of income due to an injury or disability can be devastating [...]

What Long-Term Disability Lawyers Want you to Know

Having a persistent injury or illness can be a very serious and difficult experience for [...]

Ottawa Disability Lawyer explains Short-term vs. Long-term Disability

Taking a day off to fight a cold can do wonders, but when you are [...]

Personal Injury Cases – Are You Eligible for Disability Benefits?

Accidents happen all the time. Depending on how badly the victim is hurt, they may [...]

Disability Claims: Permanent Impairment Personal Injury Case

Disability Claims: You are injured in an accident—be it a car accident, slip and fall, [...]