Category Archives: Other Personal Injuries

How to Find an Injury Lawyer in Ottawa

Tips and tricks for finding an injury lawyer in Ottawa Experiencing and recovering from an [...]

Public Transit Liability: Westboro Bus Crash

The Westboro bus crash sparked many questions regarding public transit liability and how victims receive [...]

Ottawa Injury Lawyers Debunk Common Legal Myths

Don’t believe everything you hear; Ottawa injury lawyers debunk popular myths and misconceptions about personal [...]

When is it Time to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

How to tell whether or not you need to hire a lawyer after an accident [...]

How to Find the Best Halifax Accident Lawyer

Finding the best Halifax accident lawyer becomes significantly easier when you know which qualities to [...]

The Most Common Spring Accident Claims

What are the most common accident claims made in the spring and how can you [...]

Personal Injury Lawsuits, Mental Health and COVID-19

Are you struggling with mental health issues during the pandemic? You may be able to [...]

Hit and Run Accidents in Ontario

How to know if you were involved in a hit and run accident in Ontario [...]

Why Personal Injury Lawyers are Busy During Winter

Winter is here; it’s the most dangerous time of year for pedestrians and the busiest [...]

Determining Injury Liability: Public Spaces

What to do if you sustain a personal injury on public property. In Ontario, property [...]