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Tag Archives: long term disability lawyer Ottawa

Who Determines if I have a Catastrophic Injury?

In order to start the process of determining if you have a catastrophic injury you [...]

Migraines and Long Term Disability Claims

What is a Migraine? A migraine is a type of headache disorder. Migraines often effect [...]

Catastrophic Impairment and Long Term Disability

Catastrophic impairment and injuries can have a significant impact on someone’s life after a car [...]

Personal Injury Lawyer on the Benefits of Using Winter Tires

Unlike in Quebec, winter tires are optional in Ontario. However, winter tires are crucial during [...]

What is an Income Replacement Benefit?

Statutory accident benefits (“accident benefits”) are a type of no-fault insurance coverage attached to every [...]

What Evidence Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Require?

Accidents happen all the time, plain and simple. However, what is not simple is proving [...]

Ottawa Disability Lawyer explains Short-term vs. Long-term Disability

Taking a day off to fight a cold can do wonders, but when you are [...]