Reduce the risk of common motorcycle accidents by following this advice from a personal injury lawyer.

Motorcycles are notoriously known for being one of the more dangerous vehicles you can drive. Driving a motorcycle can be extremely fun and exciting. However, the risk of an accident is very real, and personal injury lawyers can attest to that. Motorcyclists are less visible in traffic, and a motorcycle is not as stable as a standard four-wheel vehicle. Motorcycle accidents are significantly more dangerous than car accidents because cyclists have less protection, less braking power, and less control over the vehicle. Additionally, a large majority of motorcycle accidents are a result of other drivers. A personal injury lawyer offers some tips for riders to be safe on the road and reduce the risk of common motorcycle accidents.

The most common accidents happen when a car is turning left

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 36 percent of fatal motorcycle accidents occur when a cyclist goes unnoticed or unseen when a car is making a left turn. Left turning accidents typically happen when a motorcyclist is driving through an intersection and passing or overtaking a vehicle. A personal injury lawyer says you can prevent left-turn collisions by slowing down and riding defensively – always assume that other motorists don’t see you.

Make it easier for drivers to see you

Naturally, a motorcycle is smaller than a car, making it a bit more challenging to see in traffic. To ensure that you are more visible on the roads, a personal injury lawyer recommends wearing bright or reflective clothing and driving with your headlights on – day and night.

Avoid riding in bad weather

A personal injury lawyer urges cyclists to avoid bad weather, like snow and rain when riding. Motorcycles have much less traction on wet terrain – simply because there are only two tires instead of four. Unlike enclosed vehicles, motorcycles do not have windshield wipers; snow and rain can limit road visibility and obscure rider’s vision significantly. If you must ride in bad weather, reduce your speed when turning corners, and keep a safe distance from other vehicles.

Do not share lanes

Your vehicle is more compact. It may be tempting to share a lane with a full-sized car; a personal injury lawyer highly discourages doing this. Not only is it unacceptable and hazardous, but motorcyclists should always treat their bike as if it were a motor vehicle and obey the laws as such.

Be aware of when you may be riding in the blind spot of a driver’s car

It is very easy for a motorcycle to end up in a car’s blind spot, which can be particularly dangerous when a vehicle changes lanes. A personal injury lawyer suggests that a good rule of thumb is to ensure that you can always see a car’s mirrors or the driver’s face. If you can see the driver, the driver can very likely see you as well; so, you probably aren’t in their blind spot.

Above all else, always wear a helmet, wear the proper gear, and maintain your motorcycle to prevent mechanical issues. Just like driving a full-sized vehicle, you should never drink and drive, always obey speed limits and traffic laws, and be alert. As a motorcyclist, you have the same rights as other drivers. Be vigilant by following these safety tips, drive defensively, educate yourself, and most importantly – enjoy the ride.